Happy Anniversary!!!

A year and 85 blog posts later…here I am. I’d hope that number would have been a bit higher, but 85 is still good. Right? 😉 So what does one do for an anniversary like this? I mean… giving an update on anything seems a bit silly because I give you updates all the time. And quite frankly… my life is not that exciting… therefore, nothing to really update.

I guess I could have thrown myself a huge party. Or maybe go out to have a drink or 2. Oh who am I kidding. No one celebrates little things like this, do they?

Hmmm. I wonder.

Well, I’ll tell you what I did today to “celebrate” this milestone…

1. Spent my day with the hubster (running errands and just hangin’ out).

2. “Cheated” and had a shredded chicken quesadilla from Jose’s Mexican Restaurant.

3. Then went to the gym and ran a mile before going hard lifting heavy weights…workin’ out the upper body muscles.


Now I’m sittin’ here…watching TV. Something I rarely do these days. Because there is nothing else to do. If my gym didn’t close at 8pm, I probably would still be there right now. 😛

Tomorrow’s a new day. Another workout. And hopefully another blog post. Keepin’ my fingers crossed but can’t make ya any promises. 😛


I Heart Football

And this day could not come any sooner. I love Super Bowl Sunday. In fact, I firmly believe that it should be declared a National Holiday and that companies all around the nation should give their employees the day after (Monday) off. You think I’m joking? I read somewhere (a long time ago) that people call off work the most on this day. Myself included. 😉

So this year, I decided to take the day off. Dipped into my vacation time savings. Yup, thank goodness for PTO, right? I hate going to work after a great day of football, family time, and lots of food. I need the time to recuperate from it all.

Speaking of food… I had to share this one with you… 



How yummy do they look? They’re from Casey’s Cupcakes. I soooo want one. Am tempted to make the hubby make a pit stop on our way to his grandparents’ house before the game. A dozen of the ones on the right please. 🙂

Yup, 49er fan over here. No I haven’t been a fan since childhood. But I love the game. I went to a high school that was big on football. I didn’t become a huge fan until I met the hubs. Now he’s been a fan since he was a kid. Both he and his brother. So I guess you could say I’m a Niner fan by default. 😉


And during the game today, I will be sporting these…




Oooohhhh yeah baby. Go 49ers! Quest for six! Woot woot! LoL

Okay, yeah that was dorky. But hey, I can’t wait to see them play.



So which team will YOU be rooting for?