What Day Is It?

A question I’ve asked myself on several occasions the past couple of weeks. The 2 jobs have kept me quite busy. So busy that I have a confession to make. I haven’t worked out in almost 2 weeks. AND because I haven’t had much time to do anything but work, I’ve had to eat out a few times. More than I would have liked. I tried my best to plan my meals and my workouts, but I was just too exhausted to get it done. Poor planning on my part.

And with so many things going on, I really haven’t had the chance to sit and blog.

Anyway, after co-hosting a baby shower (which I will share with you in a future post) and starting something new (again, another post), I realized I couldn’t afford to go another week without working out. So I got back into the gym yesterday. Did a HIIT cardio workout. Felt great. But I must tell you… My muscles ached just a little when I woke up this morning. I swear I’ve lost some muscle definition during my 2-week hiatus. And I’m kinda sad that it kinda feels like I’m starting from square one. Good news though… My cardio endurance hasn’t changed. Yay.

Today’s workout, I did a 15 minute workout CrossFit style. I did the following:

1. 10 squats with barbell and weight
2. 20 situps on an incline
3. 5 push-ups using the gymnastic rings (all core, baby)

I repeated this entire circuit 5x. Then I went to the gym about an hour later and did a HIIT cardio workout on the treadmill:

1 min sprint @ 9.0
3 min walk @ 4.0
*repeated 6x up to 24 min and then cooled down for 6 min

Ended my workout with a 2 min plank. My core just couldn’t take anymore. As I am typing this, I’m already feeling the tightness in my muscles….yup, I will most definitely be in pain tomorrow. *sigh* oh well. That’s what I get for slackin’, right?

So I’m workin’ on more posts to get you updated on all the good stuff that’s been happening in my life. Things will calm down just a little bit for me…so I’m going to make time to blog. I promise.

Until next time….

Heat Wave

I am so over this hot weather. I live in the Valley. And it sucks living here during the summer. I hate summer. I know hate is such a harsh word…but 100 degree+ weather is really not my cup o’ tea. It makes me not want to do anything. Including working out. It’s so miserable working out when it’s hot.

So did I let the heat stop me? Nope. Not a chance. This is what I did this week so far…

Sunday’s Workout – 40 min HIIT cardio at the gym. Haven’t been to the gym in awhile… been working out a lot at home. It felt so good to get a good ole fashioned cardio workout in. After running on the treadmill, I jumped on the row machine and did 1000m. Not bad.

Monday’s Workout – squeezed it in between a break from my morning job and my afternoon/evening job. CrossFit baby. I did 50 reps of the following exercises: deadlifts with barbell & weights, box jumps, sit-ups, hang cleans, and squats with barbell and weights.

Tuesday’s Workout – put my trust in my TIU trainers and did the following workouts:

Followed by 50 push-ups and 50 squats

And the weather forecast says it’s only gonna get hotter. Oh joy. I’ve definitely got my work cut out for me. Anyway, gotta get ready for bed. Long day tomorrow.

Good night! 🙂

Busy Bee

I finally have some time to sit and relax for a second. My work schedule the past couple of days went like this:

Woke up @ 430am

Left house @ 545am

Job #1 – 630am-1030am

Got home @ around 11-ish… Ate something.

Around 1215-ish – Quick HIIT workout CrossFit style.

Power nap 100-130

Left house @ 3pm (because of traffic)

Job #2 – 400pm-930pm

Got home @ 10-ish

In bed around 11pm

Yeah. I am exhausted. But I had to get those workouts in somehow. I’m surprised I was able to. They were quick workouts but so very effective. Every muscle in my body aches, I swear. Yesterday I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a bus.

So what kind of workouts did I do? Well, they were HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts CrossFit style. Done in our garage. Had to do it in my garage because driving to the gym would have taken about another 20 minutes of my day…and as you can see, I really do not have much time to waste. I try to rest as much as I can…because I average 4-5 hours of sleep a night. And I’m not getting any younger… I cannot function without a good amount of sleep.

Anyway, if you are short on time (which I’m sure, a lot of you are)… here are 2 GREAT workouts you can do. It gets your heart rate up (cardio) and it involves weight lifting (burns more fat calories and builds muscle that increases metabolism). But you have to push yourself through the circuits for maximum results. Limit the rests in between sets. If you have to take a breather, do it only for a few seconds and get back to it!

Monday’s Workout: for 15 minutes

9 reps – deadlifts with barbell (95lbs including bar)
12 reps – pushups
15 reps – box jumps
**repeated circuit until 15 minutes were up. Completed 8 2/3 rounds.

Tuesday’s Workout: for 20 minutes

10 reps – back squats
10 reps – front squats
10 reps – overhead squats
**all done with barbell and 5-10lb weights. Repeated circuit until 20 minutes were up. Completed 13 rounds.

I was on the floor at the end of both workouts. Completely spent. Pretty awesome. And today I decided to take the day off. Because my muscles are sore. And because I need to rest. Actually going to bed now. And it’s only 8pm. Oh the joys of getting older!!!! Haha.

Good night, my friends… have a great rest of the week. And if you do try these workouts…let me know how you like them! 🙂

A Beautiful Summer Wedding

Last week was probably the most hectic crazy week I’ve had in a long time. Work almost kicked my booty. Almost. So glad I was able to end the week on a positive note. A dear friend of mine married her high school sweetheart on Saturday. At a place called Crestmore Manor in Riverside.

It was a gorgeous day…no smog, thank God. Any smog-free day in Southern California makes for a gorgeous day in my book. Especially out here in the Inland Empire. Although the sun was freakishly hot, it wasn’t too bad standing in the shade. So yes, it was a beautiful day to have a wedding.



History recap: Nina and I used to work together at GapKids/BabyGap @ Victoria Gardens back in the day. Back in 2004. We don’t go waaay back…but we’ve known each other awhile. We’ve kept in touch over the years. And it was indeed an honor to have received an invite to such a joyous occasion.

I absolutely love weddings. And I love the little details that make the event that much more special.


Wedding colors: a deep royal purple, black, and white. So elegant. So regal.




The fans weren’t just for looks. I used mine to shield myself from the sun during the ceremony.




And these tissues came in handy, especially during the exchange of vows.

I’m a sucker for these things.

Don’t judge me.

Anyway… wedding time!!!

Here’s Michael patiently waiting…

Here comes the beautiful bride….

The ‘I do’s’…

Officially Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Nina Antuna!!!

The reception was held in a small intimate area out back.

Lots of food…

Good music…

Great company…

Here’s one of my buddies… meet Kalaya.

Her mommy Raquael used to work with Nina and I at Gap, too.

Kalaya’s such a sweetheart and stayed by my side the entire night.

…yeah we even had a brief photo sesh on my phone.

We enjoyed ourselves. And like I said, it was a great way to end my very hectic week.

Congratulations to Nina & Michael!!!
