
Like everyone else, I decided to start the new year off with a bang. In the gym. To get rid of the holiday fluff. I started off strong at the beginning of the week… Then by day 4, I’d slowly fizzle out. Same with my eating habits. The first couple of weekends into the new year were filled with kiddie birthday parties. That didn’t help me any. It was easy to get motivated once Sunday nights rolled around…but the feeling didn’t make it past Wednesday.

So this past Sunday, I made up my mind. I looked at all my pics from a year ago and realized I needed to get back on track. I made a commitment to do just that. Monday morning, before I got dressed for work, I forced myself to step on the scale. It read 128.8. My heart sank. I have not seen that number on my scale in 2 years. That may not seem like a lot to you, but it’s never a good feeling to see the numbers go up. And no it’s not muscle. It’s FLUFF.

Monday I did legs. Leg press, squats…all that good stuff. Plus a 20 min HIIT workout. Yesterday, upper body. Triceps, biceps, delts, shoulders and chest. Then today, went for a bike ride with the hubs and then came home and did this workout in my garage.


It. Kicked. My. Ass.

I am sore from head to toe. And oh-em-gee did I miss that feeling. You know, that “i just got hit by a bus” feeling. The “hurts so good” feeling. I am determined to look better than I did just a few short months ago. Building that lean muscle, baby. Summer is just around the corner… Actually it’s already here in SoCal. Winter never showed up. But anyway, that’s a whole other story. 😉

Happy New Year!

Perhaps I’m a bit too late, but at least I said it! 😉 Ok so before you start thinkin’ I’m nothin’ but a complete lazy slacker when it comes to blogging…that’s not entirely true. When my house was burglarized last November, those idiots stole my laptop. They didn’t take my iPad (thank God, coz I really need it for work) but do you know how annoying it is to type up a blog post without a keyboard? It sucks. And takes up waaaay too much time. So that’s a big reason why I haven’t blogged in such a long time. But I’ve also been lazy, too. 😛

Anyway, I hope the new year has been treating you well! I’d have to say 2014 has been good to me thus far. Even if we are only a week into the year. Nonetheless, it’s been a good week. The craziness of the holidays has died down some…but work has kept me busy with inventory prep. My first weekend of the year was cut short — had to work on Sunday for a few hours. Which kinda sucked because I feel like my body is finally feelin’ the effects of my crazy work schedule the past few months. Thankfully, the boss felt the same way and made me take a break. A 5-day weekend break. To recharge. I think she kinda thinks I’m a workaholic. 😛

So today was Day 1 of my mini stay-cation. And it was definitely an interesting day. I planned to sleep in. And just lounge around all day. Instead I woke up at 8 am. I think it’s pretty pathetic that I can’t even sleep in past 8 even when I went to bed after 12 last night! I mean, 9 would have been better. But 8? Then after I had my coffee and breakfast… I tried to just sit and lounge and be a lazy butt. But I guess just don’t have it in me. So I began cleaning my room. The hubs and I are in the process of remodeling our bedroom — well, I’m the boss of this project and he’s my helper 🙂 — and I guess that’s what I’ll be doing for the next few days.

I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot today. Did some major cleaning (out with the old) and even managed to get 2 great workouts in. Sesh #1 was at the gym (Day 2 back in the gym since the New Year started) and sesh #2 was a run with the hubs and the fur babies. I haven’t been running outdoors in a long time and it felt soooo good. Of course, I’m super sore from the workouts I’ve done the past couple of days… but that’s the small price to pay for not working out consistently the past 2-6 months. I am determined to going back to my regular workout schedule (6-7 days) and lifting weighs. I need to gain back the strength (and muscle definition) that I lost. Holiday fluff needs to GO AWAY!

So yeah… lots of exciting stuff happening. Stay tuned. I’ll try my hardest to blog regularly.

Happy New Year, guys. 🙂