
Some of the best recipes are ones that you throw together. Well… maybe not always. But I’m pretty good at judging what flavors kinda mesh well together. I don’t use a lot of seasonings other than sea salt, black pepper, chili powder (any other natural spicy seasoning), and sometimes Mrs. Dash. The natural flavors of veggies and herbs are enough for me to cook without adding anything else to it. Oh and the only condiment I use on anything (like sandwiches) is mustard. Mayo and ketchup are big no-no’s for me. Haven’t tried the all natural ketchup… but I can do without ketchup, so it’s okay.

Anyway, this week, I went grocery shopping without having planned out my meals. I just kinda went through the store and picked stuff out. Which can be a little dangerous because you could totally end up with foods that don’t make sense together and then you’re stuck with not knowing what to cook for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I bought lots of veggies because that was important. I also bought some ground turkey because I knew that I needed lean meat in my diet. Also bought some eggs because eggs are GOOD for you!!! And then I bought yogurt, protein bars, and other healthy goods.

When I finally got home and started putting things away…I realized I had NO CLUE as to what I was eating for lunch and dinner for the next few days. It’s happened to us all. You go to the store, spend the BIG BUCKS on groceries, and realize you bought nothing. 

Okay, so I’m rambling on and on about groceries. The point of this blog post was to show you some of the meals I “threw” together. Either meal could be eaten for lunch or dinner. And since I’m the only one that usually eats this stuff, there’s usually enough leftovers to last me a good 2-3 days. I’m not picky with food, so if I have to eat the same thing for 3 days straight, I will. It’s hard to buy stuff to make just ONE serving.

Ready to see what I made? Okay, here we go. The first meal I threw together was this:

Ingredients: lean ground turkey, pinto beans, diced tomatoes, red and green bell pepper, corn

Seasoned with a little bit of sea salt, pepper, chili powder, and cumin

Served on a bed of romaine lettuce

And guess what? It was de-lish!!!!


Another meal I just threw together…

Ingredients: tuna, tomato, avocado

Served on either lettuce or whole wheat sandwich thins

Not bad, right? And no, this isn’t all that I ate. I had my usual breakfast and snack stuff, but no need to go into that. Like I’ve said before, most of my snacks and regular meals are repetitious. Pretty boring. But hey, it works.

I had a friend ask me how I’m able to eat just a protein bar and not want to eat anything else. My answer? You have to eat the kind that are actually healthy for you and not just packed with carbs and sugar. If you don’t know which ones are “good for you”, check the labels. If you can’t pronounce the words listed in the ingredients, chances are, they’re not good for you. The bars I snack on are all natural. Packed with protein and good calories. FYI, protein is the key. Protein is what makes you full. Consume enough of that each meal and you won’t be so hungry throughout the day. And eat a lot of veggies. Very low in calories. And although you may not think so, it can actually fill you up.

So there you have it. My home cooking skills at its best. 🙂